
Showing posts from September, 2019

Global Climate Strike

                                                                                                   Today there was a rally on Global climate change and talk on it. Students from our college had participated on this programme. 

September 29- World Heart Day

                                                                                                   World Heart Day is to ensure heart health enquity for all, and to create a global community of Heart Heroes.. People from all walks of life who are acting now to live longer, better, heart healthy lives by making a promise - " For my heart, For your heart, For all our hearts".

September 28... World Rabies Day

                                                                                                                It is celebrated annually to raise awareness about rabies prevention and to highlight progress in defeating this horrifying disease.                                                                                   28 September also marks the anniversary of Louis Pasteur's death,  the French chemist and microbiologist ,  who developed the first rabies vaccination.                                                                      Today safe and efficacious animal and human vaccines  are among the important tools that exist to eliminate human deaths from rabies while awareness is the key driver for success of communities to engage in effective rabies prevention. 

64th College Union.

                                                                                              As we received Kerala University direction for election inTraining Colleges, we had our Preliminary process yesterday and today was the final election process, and 64th College Union members for the year 2019-2021 were selected. 

"Change your life today, Don't gamble on the future, act now, without delay. "

       Live in    our present. It is the present which determines our future. Rather than getting anxious about our future and what we achieve, live every moment of our life and it is sure we will achieve what we desire.